Museu Alfredo Andersen
Alfredo Emil Andersen (Khristiansand, Noruega, 3 de novembro de 1860 - Curitiba, Brasil, 9 de agosto de 1935) foi pintor, escultor, decorador, cenógrafo, desenhista e professor norueguês radicado no Brasil. Muitos dizem que ele é o pai da pintura paranaense. Andersen era filho do Capitão da Marinha Mercante Tobias Andersen e Hanna Carine Andersen. Ele iniciou os seus estudos aos 17 anos na Academia de Belas-Artes de Cristiânia (atualmente Oslo). Na ocasião de uma viagem quando passou por Paranaguá decidiu ficar no Brasil. Mudou-se para Curitiba e casou-se com a parnanguara descendente de índios Carijós Ana de Oliveira (1882-1945) com quem teve quatro filhos.
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Pintura de Andersen em exposição |
Andersen participou de exposições individuais e coletivas, trabalhou também como professor de desenho e pintura em escolas locais e visou também fomentar o mercado de arte de Curitiba que era muito incipiente. Em 1915, Andersen mudou seu ateliê-escola para a casa onde hoje é o Museu Alfredo Andersen.
Após o falecimento de Andersen em 1935, seu filho Thorstein Andersen (1905-1964) ficou a frente da direção da Escola e as aulas de Desenho e Pintura, fundou a Sociedade de Amigos de Alfredo Andersen e passou a defender a criação do Museu Alfredo Andersen. Porém apenas em 1959, o Museu foi criado oficialmente denominando-se Casa de Alfredo Andersen - Escola e Museu de Arte. Em 1979, o prédio foi tombado pelo Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico do Estado e passou a ser o Museu Alfredo Andersen (MAA). Thorstein Andersen foi o primeiro diretor do MAA, cargo que exerceu até 1962. Atualmente o Museu Alfredo Andersen (MAA) é uma instituição vinculada à Coordenação do Sistema Estadual de Museus (COSEM) da Secretaria de Estado da Cultura do Paraná (SEEC-PR).
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Sala expositiva do Museu |
O Museu Alfredo Andersen tem caráter biográfico cuja coleção é constituída por cerca de 400 peças, em sua maior parte composta por obras, estudos, objetos pessoais e de trabalho de Alfredo Andersen, mas também por obras de seus discípulos, objetos e trabalhos que remontam à escola de arte de Thorstein Andersen.
Visite o Museu!
Alfredo Andersen Museum
Alfredo Emil Andersen (Khristiansand, Norway, November 3, 1860 - Curitiba, Brazil, August 9, 1935) was a Norwegian painter, sculptor, decorator, set designer, draftsman and teacher based in Brazil. Many say that he is the father of painting in Paraná. Andersen was the son of Merchant Navy Captain Tobias Andersen and Hanna Carine Andersen. He began his studies at age 17 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Cristiania (now Oslo). On the occasion of a trip when he passed through Paranaguá decided to stay in Brazil. He moved to Curitiba and married the descendant parnanguara of Carijós Indians Ana de Oliveira (1882-1945) with whom he had four children.
Andersen participated in individual and collective exhibitions, also worked as a teacher of drawing and painting in local schools and also aimed to foster the art market of Curitiba that was very incipient. In 1915, Andersen moved his atelier-school to the house where today is the Alfredo Andersen Museum.
After the death of Andersen in 1935, his son Thorstein Andersen (1905-1964) was in charge of the direction of the School and the classes of Drawing and Painting, founded the Society of Friends of Alfredo Andersen and went on to defend the creation of the Alfredo Andersen Museum. But only in 1959, the Museum was officially created as Alfredo Andersen House - School and Museum of Art. In 1979, the building was listed by the Historical and Artistic Patrimony of the State and became the Alfredo Andersen Museum (MAA). Thorstein Andersen was the first director of MAA, a position he held until 1962. Currently, the Alfredo Andersen Museum (MAA) is an institution linked to the Coordination of the State System of Museums (COSEM) of the State Secretariat of Culture of Paraná (SEEC-PR).
The Alfredo Andersen Museum has a biographical character whose collection consists of about 400 pieces, mostly composed of works, studies, personal and work objects of Alfredo Andersen, but also by works of his disciples, objects and works that go back to the art school of Thorstein Andersen.
Visit the Museum!
Crédito do texto e imagens / Text and image credit: Bianca Costa
After the death of Andersen in 1935, his son Thorstein Andersen (1905-1964) was in charge of the direction of the School and the classes of Drawing and Painting, founded the Society of Friends of Alfredo Andersen and went on to defend the creation of the Alfredo Andersen Museum. But only in 1959, the Museum was officially created as Alfredo Andersen House - School and Museum of Art. In 1979, the building was listed by the Historical and Artistic Patrimony of the State and became the Alfredo Andersen Museum (MAA). Thorstein Andersen was the first director of MAA, a position he held until 1962. Currently, the Alfredo Andersen Museum (MAA) is an institution linked to the Coordination of the State System of Museums (COSEM) of the State Secretariat of Culture of Paraná (SEEC-PR).
The Alfredo Andersen Museum has a biographical character whose collection consists of about 400 pieces, mostly composed of works, studies, personal and work objects of Alfredo Andersen, but also by works of his disciples, objects and works that go back to the art school of Thorstein Andersen.
Visit the Museum!
Crédito do texto e imagens / Text and image credit: Bianca Costa
Referências / References:
Alfredo Andersen. Disponível em:<> Acesso: 14 out. 2018.
Sobre o Museu. Museu Alfredo Andersen. Disponível em:<> Acessi: 14 out. 2018.
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